First Monday!
Everything at Community Thrift is half off on the first Monday of the month, and that happens to be today. There are a couple of exceptions, in that if you want your furniture to be half off, you have to take it with you when you buy it. Normally you have up to 2 days to pick it up after purchasing it.
Half price day is usually a complete riot of people, well, the lines are usually about 8 or 10 people deep. Plus if you show up in the afternoon the "good stuff" is gone. But the thing about thrift shopping is that it's personal, so you still have a good chance of finding a special silver spoon or a dress that you can repurpose into an apron. I see it as a good day for finding materials.
Plus, check your receipt to see which charities your purchases supported. It's always interesting.
Community Thrift
623 Valencia (between 17th & 18th) Street
SF 94110
Thanks to Pete Boyd for the picture from Flickr
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